About Con-Vocación Chilena

Con-Vocación Chilena es un festival que, en su primera edición, es organizado por el Consulado General de Chile en Toronto y, con el apoyo de Neruda Arts, organización con una trayectoria de más de 20 años en la difusión, producción y presentación de música chilena y del mundo; y el Padre Maurice François de la Parroquia San Esteban – Holy Trinity, quién lleva décadas convocando ayudando a las comunidades no solo de chilenos, sino también latinos y canadienses por igual.

El festival se realizará el 23 de septiembre de 2023, en Toronto, y contará con música, arte visual, talleres, danza y más.

En esta edición, se hará un llamado a artistas locales a participar y este año contará con artistas que vienen de Chile y representan a la cultura Mapuche (Joel Maripil), al sur (Emilia Díaz Trío) y al norte de Chile (Alejandro Moreno , director de teatro y film).


La Visión del festival es convocar y unir a los chilenos y chilenas de nacimiento, de herencia y de corazón en un festival que sea lo más inclusivo y representante de nuestra hermosa cultura.


La Misión del festival es utilizar el arte como un vehículo de unión y, con él, celebrar la cultura chilena reconociendo la historia, los pueblos originarios, las tradiciones culturales y la idiosincrasia que le dan un carácter tan especial a un país que, dentro de toda su diversidad, posee una belleza ecológica, territorial, artística y humana extraordinaria.

About Con-Vocación Chilena

Con-Vocación Chilena is a festival that, in its first edition, is organized by the General Consulate of Chile in Toronto and, with the support of Neruda Arts, an organization with a history of more than 20 years in the dissemination, production and presentation of Chilean and world music; and Father Maurice François of San Esteban - Holy Trinity Parish, who has spent decades convening helping communities not only Chileans, but also Latinos and Canadians alike.

The festival will take place on September 23, 2023, in Toronto, and will feature music, visual art, workshops, dance and more.

In this edition, a call will be made to local artists to participate and this year it will feature artists who come from Chile and represent the Mapuche culture (Joel Maripil), from the south (Emilia Díaz Trío) and from the north of Chile (Alejandro Moreno, theater and film director).


The Vision of the festival is to summon and unite Chilean men and women by birth, heritage and heart in a festival that is the most inclusive and representative of our beautiful culture.


The mission of the festival is to use art as a vehicle for union and, with it, celebrate Chilean culture by recognizing the history, native peoples, cultural traditions and idiosyncrasies that give such a special character to a country that, within all its diversity, has extraordinary ecological, territorial, artistic and human beauty.

Our principles

We believe in showcasing the rich diversity of Chilean art and culture, welcoming artists and performers from all backgrounds. Our festival is a celebration of inclusivity and unity.

Community Engagement

Artistic Excellence

Diversity and Inclusion

We strive to present the highest quality of Chilean art, showcasing the talent and creativity of our artists. Our festival is a platform for artists to shine and for audiences to experience exceptional performances.

We are committed to engaging with the local community, fostering connections between Chilean and Canadian cultures. Through workshops, interactive activities, and collaborations, we aim to create meaningful experiences for all attendees.

Paulina Muñoz
Isabel Cisterna

Meet the team

Coordinadora de Vendedores y Voluntarios

Maurice François

Coordinador de Producción

Coordinadora de Artistas

Artists Coordinator

Production Coordinator

Vendor and Volunteer Coordinator